Hangar Haciendas AZ 90 Airpark

​Airpark Ground and Flight Operations
Facility General Description
The airpark facility identifier is AZ90, and most of the 2008 information posted online at AirNav™ continues to be accurate as of 2016. Runway centerline marking and new residences and hangars have been added, and the point of contact for the airpark has changed (listed near the end of this web page).
The airpark GPS coordinates are N33°21.0’ W112°07.4’. AZ90 is depicted as “Hangar Haciendas” on the PHX VFR Terminal Area Chart, but is not charted on the PHX Sectional. Airpark nominal elevation is 1200 ft msl.
A special-use permit from Maricopa County authorizes Hangar Haciendas operation as a private residential airpark. The single asphalt runway (details below) is oriented east-west (08-26) and there are paved taxiways to the individual residential lots. Google™ satellite imagery in the AZ90 Operations Rev1 link provided at the end of this web page provides an overview of the airpark layout and adjoining terrain cultural features.
Communications & Radio Aids to Navigation
CTAF: 122.9 (“Hangar Haciendas Traffic”)
ATIS: Both PHX ATIS (127.57) and GYR ATIS (118.35) can normally be received while on the ground at AZ90. Listening to both may provide a useful composite of surface meteorological conditions in the local area when weather is unstable or expected to change, or surface winds are above 10 knots.
PHX TRACON Local Sector: 122.7
FSS (Prescott Radio): Via the PXR RCO on 122.2 and 122.6
NAVAIDS: PXR (H) VORTACW N33°25.98’ W111°58.21’, 224° / 9.0 nm to field.
Runway Details
The 2436-ft long runway is asphalt paved, has a dashed white painted centerline, no edge marking and runway numbers painted at each threshold. A white dashed-circled letter “R” is painted at the midpoint of the runway denoting the private use status of the runway and airpark. Displaced threshold marking is in place for Runway 26. There are no visual glide slope indicating devices and nor are runway lights, windsock lighting or airport beacon provided for night operations. Paved taxiways intersect the runway at 90 degrees from the north and the south, at the arrival end, at three evenly spaced intervals along the runway length, and from the north only at the departure end of Runway 26.
Runway 08 is the preferred landing runway with a threshold elevation of 1180 ft, rising at a 2% slope to the east for the first 1400 ft. A 330-ft long by 75 ft wide gravel clear area precedes the Runway 08 threshold. The first 730 ft of Runway 08’s asphalt is approximately 35 ft wide, at which point the runway crosses a bridge where the asphalt narrows to 25 ft width. The bridge has a single-wheel load capacity of 10,000 lbs over the asphalt center section, reduced to 600 lb single wheel load capacity on the concrete beam side extensions. The Runway 08 touchdown zone landing environment, including the gravel shoulders, is 75 ft wide with large Saguaro cactus, trees, brush, fences, and structures immediately beyond. Two turn around areas are located at the departure (eastern) end of Runway 08, with adjacent tie down areas available by prior arrangement on private lots. A large tree 25 ft east of the runway, upward sloping terrain, 30-ft telephone and utility power poles and residential buildings are positioned along the extended departure end centerline of the runway.
Runway 26 is the preferred departure runway due to its downward sloping gradient, downward sloping terrain immediately off its departure end, absence of telephone and utility power pole and wires, and the extended gravel overrun.
Windsocks are located slightly east of the runway midpoint, on the south side of the runway in a vacant lot, and at the west end and south of the runway.
Traffic Patterns, Arrival & Departure Routes
The airpark traffic patterns and recommended arrival and departure routes are shown in the PowerPoint slide presentation entitled “AZ90 Operations Rev1”, below. They are designed to de-conflict arriving and departing traffic, reduce noise impact to neighboring sub-divisions, and account for terrain and Class B airspace constraints.
West arrivals should report 3 miles out on CTAF no later than crossing 51st Avenue, and east arrivals should report no later than 3 miles out when abeam the South Mountain radio tower complex. As a minimum, additional traffic pattern calls should be made entering or established on upwind, entering or established downwind, and when turning onto final approach. Traffic Pattern Altitude (TPA) is 2500 ft MSL for upwind entry, descending in the crosswind leg to establish 2000 ft MSL in the downwind leg.
Runway 08 is preferred for landing and uses standard left-hand traffic. Runway 26 uses non-standard right-hand traffic and should be used when landing winds are adverse for Runway 08, or when deemed necessary for occasional practice.
Noise friendly departures are requested to reduce to climb power when safely clear of the surface and climb at Vy. Runway 08 noise friendly departures require a 50° right turn to a 310° heading once safely airborne. Day time use of landing and strobe lights is encouraged when flying in the vicinity of the airpark and when taxiing at the airpark.
Cautions, Restrictions & Limitations
The airpark is a restricted, private facility available for flight operations by lot owners and invited guest pilots. Authorization to land and takeoff at the airpark requires prior permission of a lot owner and a signed Hold Harmless Agreement, indicating current liability insurance, on file with the Hangar Haciendas Homeowners Association per the instructions contained on the form. The Hold Harmless Agreement form is available via the link at the end of this web page for downloading.
Flight operations are strictly limited to day only, local sunrise to local sunset.
Strong and gusty surface winds are common from any direction due to terrain effects and seasonal climatic and diurnal heating extremes. When prevailing area surface winds exceed 10 knots, use of an alternate airport is strongly recommended.
No touch and go landing/takeoff operations are permitted.
Since arriving aircraft normally use Runway 08 for landing, and departing aircraft use Runway 26, due regard and care must be taken to avoid traffic conflict.
There are no services or fuel available at the airpark. Visiting guest aircraft parking must be arranged with lot owners.
Close monitoring of CTAF 122.9, and frequent repetitive position and intention reports broadcast on the CTAF while airborne in the traffic pattern, on arrival and departure routes, and while operating on the ground are essential to avoiding collisions with other aircraft and to report unexpected vehicles, persons or animals on the runway. Arriving CTAF calls are desired at three to five miles from the traffic pattern. 51st Avenue is a useful 3-mile reference for west arrivals, and abeam the South Mountain radio tower complex is approximately 3 miles as a reference for east arrivals. Day time use of landing and strobe lights is recommended to further the “see and be seen” intent when operating on or near the airpark.
There is limited security to prevent runway incursions by vehicles, pedestrians, pets, livestock, horses, and wildlife. Continuous visual contact cannot be maintained between runway ends while on the runway at ground level due to the uneven runway slopes, or into or out of taxiways due to obstructions from building structures and vegetation. Hence, great care must be taken to ensure the entire length of the runway will be clear for takeoff and landing operations.
Local terrain slopes upward to the south with the mountains in South Mountain Park rising steeply to an elevation of 4500 ft MSL within one mile of the southern boundary of the airpark. To the west of the airpark approximately one mile on the extended centerline of Runway 26 is another mountain ridge rising to approximately 1700 ft MSL. Terrain also rises along the extended centerline of Runway 08.
The narrow width of the runway and proximity to runway edges of residential buildings & hangars, man-made obstructions, vegetation and natural drainage washes should be considered.
The combination of the narrow runway with pronounced easterly up slope and westerly down slope can create visual illusions leading to misjudgment of height during landing approaches for pilots unfamiliar with the airpark.
The proximity of the Phoenix Class B airspace, with the southern boundary of its floor one mile to the north of the airpark runway, and the 3000 ft MSL floor of its overlying airspace, and the South Mountain Park terrain combine to create both the opportunity for accidental Class B airspace incursions and the tendency to concentrate local VFR traffic transiting east and west close to the airpark’s traffic patterns. Caution must be taken to avoid both.
Ground Operations
There is an essential safety need for repeatedly and frequently communicating all aircraft ground movements, intentions and locations over CTAF, and monitoring for landing and departing traffic. Day time use of landing and strobe lights during ground movements is recommended.
Pre-takeoff ground run-ups should be performed on the runway, aligned with the centerline, positioned near the takeoff point but facing opposite the takeoff direction to confine high power prop wash to blowing down the runway instead of into taxiways, confined hangar areas and neighbors home lots.
Takeoff intentions with intended departure route should be made over CTAF immediately prior to the takeoff roll.
Day time walking or driving on the runway with vehicles by lot owners should be kept to an absolute minimum, be conducted only for runway/airpark maintenance and security purposes and not merely for convenience, and must be coordinated by using a handheld radio to monitor for airpark aircraft ground and pattern traffic and to announce intentions and position updates.
Recommended Alternate/Divert Airfields
Goodyear (GYR), Stellar (P19), and Chandler (CHD) airports are in close proximity and among others, should be considered when adverse surface winds, loss of daylight hours or unexpected runway closure at AZ90 merit diverting to an alternate airport.
Visiting Pilot’s Cockpit Briefing Guide
A one-page synopsis of key information from this web page for visiting guest pilots is provided via the link at the end of this web page for convenient downloading and reference in the cockpit. It’s designed to be folded in half and used for note-taking and flight planning.
Airport Manager / Point of Contact
Hangar Haciendas Homeowners Association
Attn. Scott Johnson, President
3143 W. Avion Way
Laveen, AZ 85339
Phone: 602-320-2382
Email: sjohnson@scottjce.com
V​isiting Pilot's Cockpit Briefing Guide